Lessons & tuition

Tuition may be paid in one lump sum at the start of the semester, or divided into 3 equal payments which are due on the 10th of the months of Sept, Oct, and Nov for the fall semester and Feb, March and April for the spring semester.
Rates are generally re-evaluated during the summer session.
$320 per semester
Beginner Students
$480 per semester
Intermediate Students
$640 per semester
Advanced Students
Tuition Includes:
One-on-one lessons once a week
Group lesson once a week
Instrument rentals are an additional fee outlined here.
Once your child has been enrolled as a new Strings, Inc. student, you will be responsible for obtaining an instrument via either rental or purchase.
If your child is age 5 or younger, they will generally begin on a cardboard instrument that can be obtained directly through your teacher. These youngest students will move to an actual instrument when they can show both the ability to follow basic instructions and also proficiency in some basic techniques.
Students age 6 or above will generally begin directly on an instrument, but will need to be measured for sizing. All stringed instruments come in graduated sizes and are measured according to a student’s height, arm length and/or finger length. It is best to be measured directly by your teacher; playing on an instrument that is too large can result in muscle strain and undesirable technique.
The very youngest students generally begin on a 1/16th size instrument, and will gradually work up through the 1/10th, 1/8th, ¼, ½ and ¾ sizes before reaching the full size instrument anywhere between 6th and 9th grades. How much time is spent in each particular size depends entirely on rate of growth.
Strings, Inc. has one or two violins in each of the above sizes for rent at a cost of $60 per six months, so please inquire of your teacher if you would like to find out which are available. No purchase option is available for instruments owned by Strings, Inc.
Stringed instruments are also available for rental or purchase at
Wetzel Violins
737 South Englewood Ave.
Evansville, IN 47714
Phone 1-800-358-5323 or 1-812-477-7107
Rental Instruments are available. All rentals include full maintenance, (string
replacement, pegs slipping or sticking, gluing of seams, & broken fine tuners).
Any damage, (broken pegs, bridges, chinrests, cracks, etc.) that occurs will be
charged to you and repairs must be done in my shop.
Violins 1/32 - 4/4 $15.00 per month
Violas 13" - 161/2" $20.00 per month
Cellos 1/16 - 4/4 $30.00 per month
TERMS: 2 months of your rental fee must be paid when receiving your
instrument, from there on it is strictly month to month. A contract must be filled
filled out. Payments sheets will be given out. Renters have a 10 day grace
period before being charged a $5.00 late fee per month and rent charged to a
your credit card after a 2 month period.
40% of all rental fees, up to 3 years, will be applied to the purchase of your
rental or a better instrument.